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When you are looking for travel related stuff like stories, tips, and lots of pictures, you've come to the right place. Especially travelers with a physical handicap might find some useful information (see the "Who am I" paragraph below). At this time you can find info and pics about the USA, France, and Germany. But there is more… Beside travel information you can find other stuff which has my personal interest. An example is the picture log of Dwingelderveld, a beautiful National Park in the northern part of the Netherlands. Another passion is the world of aviation, the military side in particular! It started when I was working in the Air Force, and I am hooked on kerosene ever since! Who am I? I'm a man of 45 years old who is living in the northern part of the Netherlands, together with my lovely girlfriend and two beautiful children. Because of an accident in 1989 I broke my neck and became partly quadriplegic. Walking became wheeling, enjoying life remained enjoying life! At this moment I am working as an independent software-developer and webdesigner. For more info visit or follow me on Twitter. Have fun!